The growing influence of social media means trends form and die fairly quickly in the fashion industry. This has meant fast fashion brands have to produce the latest trends at a low cost and in a limited time frame. The pressure to get clothes from production to shop floor quickly is higher than ever.
This model of fast fashion is having adverse effects on the environment as well as the countries they operate in. The need for low cost and quick production means some shortcuts are taken when it comes to following the correct regulation. The improper disposal of toxic inks used in the dyeing processes are causing increased amounts of water pollution. Combine that with the increasing levels of textile waste means the true cost of fast fashion is ever growing. Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally and Greenpeace has been applying pressure to fashion brands to remove toxic chemicals from their supply chains after tests showed a number of these brands products were confirmed to have these hazardous chemicals present. The large scale impact is important to consider as not only does this reduce the amount of clean water for human consumption but these chemicals are bio-accumulative hence have an adverse effect on living organisms in the water. The natural balance is disrupted as well as the impact it would have on the population of countries such as Bangladesh where seafood makes up a large portion of their diet.
Photo: Water Pollution due to chemical (The Independent)